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Graphics Docs
This file includes Documentation for all files in the Graphics Drawer. They
have all been combined into one to save disk space.
The Docs included in this file are:
Doc File Headers are in
IFF2PCS 1.0, 21-Nov-87, by Ali T. Ozer
USMail: Box 7703, Stanford, CA 94305
ARPA: ali@Score.Stanford.Edu
IFF2PCS (IFF-to-pieces) is an interactive puzzle program. In
IFF2PCS, the user's goal is to put a picture back together
from square pieces. The picture can be created from any IFF
program, and can have upto 16 colors. Several sample
pictures and the source code (in Manx C, 3.40b) are included
with the distribution.
IFF2PCS can be started one of three ways:
* From the CLI, by typing
1> iff2pcs IFF-FILE
(where IFF-FILE is the name of an IFF picture file)
* From the Workbench, by double-clicking on the icon of an
IFF picture file, provided the "default tool" is set to
IFF2PCS. (The icons for the sample IFF pictures provided
with the program are all configured this way.)
* From the Workbench, by
first clicking once on the IFF2PCS icon,
then double-clicking on the icon of any IFF picture
file, while holding down the SHIFT key.
This last method (a standard way to specify arguments to
Workbench programs) allows you to start IFF2PCS up with
any IFF picture, even if its default tool is not set to
Once IFF2PCS starts up, it provides you with a choice of
three difficulty levels. You can start the game by clicking
on the appropriate choice:
* REAL EASY 64x64 bit pieces
* NOT SO EASY 32x32 bit pieces
* DIFFICULT 16x16 bit pieces --- real killer!
The picture and the difficulty level cannot be changed
during the program.
IFF2PCS uses a pop-up menu (which is operated just like a
standard Amiga menu, except that you do not have to move the
mouse to the top of the screen). The menu commands are:
* SHOW Shows the completed picture.
* CHECK Combines what you have with the actual picture to
give you an idea of how close you are. Pieces
that are in the correct place will appear as
blanks, while pieces that are placed incorrectly
will appear messed up. CHECK will also tell you the
time that has elapsed since you started the puzzle,
and will let you know if the puzzle is solved.
* HELP Provides some minimal help. (This command might not
work if the system is low on chip-memory.)
* QUIT Quits...
Pieces are grabbed by clicking the left mouse button and
rotated by clicking the right mouse button once the piece is
grabbed. Pieces can be rotated 90 degrees clockwise only;
you might need to click the right mouse button twice or
three times to get the correct orientation.
IFF2PCS is a chip-memory hog. It will attempt to open an
interlaced screen as large as the user's Workbench, and with
a 16-color picture, it might use more than 200K of chip
Possible future enhancements to IFF2PCS include:
* True jigsaw-puzzle pieces (IFF2PCS started off this way
and ended up with square pieces)
* Faster piece-pickup (possible with backup bitmaps for
pieces, which of course will use up more memory)
Many thanks go to D. John Hodgson, Tom Rokicki, and Helene
(Lee) Taran, whose code fragments I used in IFF2PCS. Many
thanks also go to the various artists whose wonderful IFF
pictures I included as samples. Anyone wishing to use code
fragments from IFF2PCS sources can do so (although most
of the code is probably not general enough to be used
IFF2PCS is Copyright 1987, Ali Turgut Ozer.
IFF2PCS is freely distributable.
SuperView, A IFF file display program. by David Grothe V 1.0
SuperView is a program that will display IFF pictures of all types
on the Amiga. The program supports the following features:
Multiple files on one command line.
WorkBench (icons) are supported with extened select.
All modes supported.
Overscan ( Sculpt 3-D Overscan HAM) 384/768 * 240/480
Color Cycle ( DPaint and GraphiCraft types) CRNG CCRT
AmigaBasic ACBM type files
Author chunk is suported
Displays the first cell in a ANIM file!
Written in Assembly Size under 6000 Bytes!
To use the program, in the CLI. Type the following:
1> SuperView <Filename> [<FileName> <FileName>.......]
At this point the Author text will be displayed on the CLI screen
if present. After viewing the picture, click the upper left corner
to go to the next picture.
The program also works well with the PD directory utility programs out
but you must rename it "Show" and place it in the C: directory.
If you wish to use SuperView from the WorkBench, just click on the
picture icon, hold down the shift key, then double click the SuperView
icon. Of course you can click on the SuperView icon, hold down the shift
key and double click the picture icon. You can also click on as many
picture icons as you want while holding down on the shift key, click
the SuperView icon (first, third, last, doesent matter when) and double
click the last icon. And if this shift key stuff is to much, you can
change the Default Tool field in the picture icon to SuperView and just
double click the picture icon.
This is not the final version of this program. Still to be added are
slide show options with custom wipes, and Super BitMap scrolling.
So if you have any questions about the program or the Author chunk, or
if you would like to get a update when it's available, then you need
to call Amiga Line BBS at:
(405) 631-9040
Or you can write to David Grothe
20 S.W. 39th
Okla. City OK
NoCycle by David Grothe
NoCycle modifies the color cycle chunks in a IFF file so that the
picture won't color cycle when displayed by a program that supports
color cycling. A lot of artist make a picture with DPaint and don't
want it to cycle, but if they don't hit the tab key before they save
it, it may cycle. Also, for some strange reason, Grabb-it saves
pictures with some of the color ranges active.
To run NoCycle yo must be in the CLI, once there type
1> NoCycle <FileName> [<FileName> <FileName>.......]
NoCycle modifies the file itself without creating a new file so use
it on backup copies to be safe.
For more great programs call Amiga Line BBS
(405) 631-9040
Author A Program to add a Author chunk to an IFF file.
This program will add a free form ASCII chunk to a IFF picture file.
The purpose for this chunk is so that the Author of the picture can
put his or her name, what the picture was made with, a name for the
picture, or anything else that they want. To run the program you must
be in the CLI, once there type
1> Author [A,R,D] [FileName]
If you do not include any arguments then you will be prompted for them.
The options are
A - Add Author Text
R - Read Author Text
D - Delete Author Text
To add text, select option "A" and give it a file name, if no Author
chunk is found then you will be prompted for the text. Type in anything
that you want (1024 character max), to end, press the <Return> key on
a blank line. At that point you will be asked for a new file name.
Enter the name for the new file. Don't use the same name as the orginal
This Author chunk was submited to Commodore on Jan-27-88 for any futher
information call AmigaLine BBS (405) 631-9040
David Grothe
20 S.W. 39th
Okla City OK
Black Lady
Copyright 1988 by Mark Slone
Mark Slone
2103 Greenwood Place
Huntville, AL 35802
This hearts program may be copied as long as you do not charge for it (other
than a nominal fee for copying), and as long as you keep this "readme" file
with the program. Send all suggestions and/or donations ($5) to me at the
above address.
This program requires the diamond-12 font on the workbench disk. It also
uses a lot of graphics memory, so I don't recommend multi-tasking. Future
versions will be more multi-tasking-friendly.
Thanks to Zac Galaboff and Bob Linner for their help and play-testing of
this program.
This game uses the typical Amiga intuition interface. Use the menu to start
and quit a game. Cards are played by using the mouse to move them onto the
table and releasing them, or by double-clicking a card. Releasing a card
outside the table will return it to your hand. Play pauses after all four
players have played a card, and a click of the left mouse button will clear
the table for the next round of play. Most of the menu items are disabled,
but they may be enabled in future versions of the program.
This program was written so that each computer player knows only their own
cards. Thus, they do not "cheat". They do have a perfect memory, however.
I have included a menu option called "count cards", which lists for you
the cards not yet played by the other players. Since this option is not
available to you when you play humans (unless you have a perfect memory),
I don't recommend you use it.
Expert The computer players sometimes go after the human
player. They do not, however, cooperate with
each other, or cheat in any way.
Advanced Each computer player plays to win, and they
treat the human player the same as they do the
other computer players.
Intermediate The computer players are "nice" to the human
player, and go after the other computer players.
Beginner and Easy levels are not yet implemented. There could also be a
level harder than "expert", where the computer players always go after the
human player.
Hearts is a four player card game. For each hand, the players are dealt
13 cards. Each player then passes three cards to the left the first hand,
to the right the second, and across the third. Every fourth hand is a hold
hand, where no cards are passed. To pass your three cards, place them on
the table, and click the pointer on the "ready" square. The three cards
passed to you are flagged by a letter representing the player who passed
them to you.
Each heart is worth one point, and the Queen of Spades is worth 13 points
(thus the name "Black Lady"). The object of the game is to have the fewest
points at the end of the game. The game ends when any player reaches 100
or more points.
After passing cards (if it is a pass hand), the player with the two of clubs
begins play by leading that card. Each player after the lead (in a clock-
wise order) must play a card in the suit led if he has one. If a player
does not have a card in the suit led, that player may "dump" a card from
any suit. After all four players have played a card, the player who played
the highest card in the suit led takes the "trick", and that player must
now lead a card.
You may not lead a heart until hearts are "broken". Hearts are broken by
someone dumping a heart or the Queen of Spades, or by leading the Queen of
Spades. If you have only hearts in your hand, you may lead a heart.
One of the most important aspects of this game is "running". Running
entails taking all 26 points (all 13 hearts and the Queen of Spades). The
player that runs then subtracts 26 from his score, or adds 26 points to
everyone else's score. The computer automatically adds 26 points to the
other player's scores if that places you in first place, or if your score
is lower than 26. Otherwise, it will subtract 26 points from your score.
This hearts program will not allow you to play an illegal card, and this
may help you to learn the rules. Future versions will also include a tutor
mode, where the computer will suggest a card and give you the reason it chose
that card.
Have fun and good luck!
--Mark Slone
February 9, 1988
Program: Muncho
By: Andrew Werth
January 5, 1988
"Muncho" is a cute little program which plays a digitized sample when
you insert or remove a disk from your disk drive. Upon insertion of a
disk into any Amiga drive, you hear "GULP." When you take the disk out
of the drive, the computer responds appropriately with "YUCK!"
To start the program, you will probably want to type "RUN MUNCHO". If
at any time you want to terminate the program, click on the close box
of the small muncho window. (I had a little problem in deallocating
memory, so you will lose a couple of 'k' if you do close the program.)
The digitized samples which you hear when you run the program are found
in the files "Diskin.snd" and "Diskout.snd". You may replace these
files with any digitized sample file. The file must be saved in the
DUMP format, not IFF, and should be recorded at a frequency of about
10,000 samples/sec (standard Perfect Sound dump).
(Er, those GULP and YUCK noises you hear are me, if you have a digitizer,
you can make them more interesting :-)
Have fun.
/\ /
/__\ /\ /--
/ \/ \/___
(Andrew Werth Enterprises)